Our Partners

The Ashland Immunization Team is very grateful for the support of our community partners and supporters.

It is the mission of Jackson County Health and Human Services to plan, coordinate and provide public services that protect and promote the health and well-being of county residents. Our community’s most vulnerable population is our priority.

The mission of the Health Care Coalition of Southern Oregon is to support the unique role of nonprofit community health centers and public health agencies as they partner to promote health equity.

Six schools open their doors to Ashland’s youth each September, providing a comprehensive education in all grade levels. Nearly 3,000 students attend Ashland High School, Ashland Middle School and our three elementary schools, Bellview, Helman and Walker. John Muir Elementary is a K–8 magnet school with a curriculum focus on Science and the Arts. The Willow Wind Community Learning Center is a part-time, alternative program that primarily serves homeschooling families. Approximately 300 full-time and part-time teachers, support staff and administrators provide high-quality instructional programs.

Serving Southern Oregon since 1993, our dedicated staff is committed to the health of our patients and looks forward to serving you and your children as they grow. Our practice follows the immunization guidelines as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Since its founding in 1907, and as the oldest hospital in the Rogue Valley, Ashland Community Hospital has grown and evolved to meet the changing needs of the community and the changing demands of healthcare. We are committed to improving the health of our patients and of the community we serve.

The Dylan McNeil Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)3 charity dedicated to advancing research, awareness and support for Pneumococcal Meningitis.


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