The Ashland Child Blog

The Great Flu Epidemic of 1918

1918 Flu 100th Year Anniversary

The 1918 influenza pandemic is remembered for the massive loss of life it caused. Conservative estimates suggest there were 20-50 million victims while other estimates go as high as 100 million. That was 3-6% of the world’s population at the time. Life expectancy in many countries fell by decades. The flu pandemic spread far and

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Boost Oregon

Boost Oregon

Introducing Boost Oregon, a parent-led community that educates Oregonians about the safety and benefits of childhood vaccinations. Boost Oregon came into existence because their founder, Nadine Gartner, recognized the need for childhood vaccination education in Oregon.  While pregnant with her first child, Nadine realized that educated, smart parents in her Portland community chose not to

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Small Steps: The Year I Got Polio by Peg Kehret

Small Steps: The Year I Got Polio

by Peg Kehret This 2016-2017 Oregon Battle of the Books selection tells the true story of Peg Kehret, who at age 12 contracted three different kinds of polio. Surviving the initial paralysis brought on by the illness, Peg then had to learn how to walk again. This is a story of strength and courage in

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Welcom to Ashland Child


Welcome to our new look and blog!  We hope you like it.  If you are wondering what’s new besides the picture, well, here are a few items: Updated and added vaccine pages Added a blog (obviously) Created a Facebook page However, our goal and commitment is still the same: to provide accurate and relevant information

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